Campus Security Management

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Higher Education Requires Higher Security. Don’t be a Statistic.

The role of security both on and off campus is to provide a safe and secure space for the staff and students. Failure to do that properly can result in potential physical, financial, and reputational harm to the school. Without this visibility and control, you run the risk of becoming a part of the growing statistics in campus security.

In 2019, the number of reported criminal cases at universities in the United States was 27,261 across 10,965 campuses.

50% of the crimes in school are robbery or property damage, and the other 50% is assaults and rape. 20% of the latter are never reported to campus security.

Of school teachers say they do not feel safe in the school over fears of violence.

A recent case in the University of Utah settled a $13M lawsuit where the campus safety team failed to respond to a stalking incident, leading to the death of a student.

Mitigating the Risk of Violence Must be a Top Priority for Higher Education

In a recent Corporate Security Report, Security professionals in education were asked what their top priorities were for the near term. Among the top two were:

 86% – Implement Better Incident Management Processes and Tools

With many of the threats and incidents that happen both on and off campus, security needs to ensure not only a fast response time, but accurate reporting of incidents in order to help local authorities and internal security teams to resolve quickly.  Furthermore, having a standardized incident management solution helps to create better data analytics to uncover proactive ways to mitigate campus safety risks of future incidents.

79% – Improving Visitor Management Processes and Solutions

Proper Security processes in colleges and universities account for having monitoring solutions such as cameras and motion sensors, and access control solutions that prevent unauthorized access.  However, in the study, respondents found that they needed to implement more tools and processes around visitor management.  With a number of visitors that come in and out of the campus, having a real-time list of expected visitors and a list of unauthorized visitors can be a literal lifesaver in campus security.

Don’t be Part of the Statistics. We’ll Guide You on How to Best Reduce Campus Security Risks.

Real-time Officer Incident Reporting

Trackforce’s comprehensive risk-based security management solution is designed to empower your team with the ability to identify, mitigate and prevent security risks before they happen. 

Immediate Command Center Response

Using real-time mobile solutions connected to a central command center, supervisors can intercept and address all security incidents and send notifications for team response or instructions on de-escalation.

Risk-Based Data Analysis  

Using our comprehensive business intelligence tools, your team can analyze the data and build action plans to identify future threats and put preventive actions in place before they happen.

Visibility into Security tours and Patrols

Using our mobile solutions, security officers can conduct tours and patrols using our mobile solution while supervisors can view their progress through each tour.  This level of visibility into officer activity provides a level of consistency when managing campus security.

Let us show you how to
Operate Smarter.

Our goal is to provide the processes and tools to help security professionals in education operate smarter. With a focus on providing safety and security solution for professionals in higher education, our solution offers visibility and control through mobile and web integration.  Campus security and campus police are able to quickly report safety risks and security threats and have this information communicated in real-time to a centralized command center.  With Trackforce, education institutions are more effectively connected to security and safety. Our team can provide you with a consultation on the best ways to leverage technology to help build a risk-based security operation. Contact us for a demonstration or consultation.

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