Why Security Teams Leverage GPS to Mitigate Safety and Security Risks

woman looking at map on monitor

In house corporate security management are in charge of more than just guards; onsite workers and employees across all departments need securing even if a few are working remotely. Not to mention the management of day to day activities that occur inside and outside of the premises.

Guard management and location tracking in real-time are all possible with GPS technology.

Remote Supervision Across All Departments and Premises

Establishing equal attention to all departments on the premises was perhaps one of the biggest challenges security directors faced pre-pandemic. All eyes are on the organization’s leadership and their ability to not only ensure the safety of all employees on the premises but to maintain security for their team.

Third-parties, like janitorial staff, maintenance, or delivery workers, must also be monitored and their whereabouts tracked. Who enters, their purpose, and whether or not they have COVID-19 symptoms are critical details for this new normal.

Using a top corporate security software, or other technology like CCTV and visitor management, alongside GPS will ensure security teams are always monitored, allowing for corporate security management to verify the completion of tour checkpoints, guards on shift, and all of the general day-to-day processes of managing a site’s security.

During critical incidents, the location of all everyone on premises is information not easily obtained unless there is a proper corporate security system in place that’ll work alongside security. Knowing a guard’s location and having a list of all employees and visitors on site provides clear visibility during critical events.

A GPS enabled device will ensure supervisors can dispatch the nearest guard or guards during any emergencies, as when guards must direct visitors to safety.

Safe and Secure Guarding During Graveyard Shifts

GPS technology provides security supervisors with real-time feedback on where their security team is in proximity to any checkpoints or patrols their guards are conducting.

Using a GPS enabled device helps determine the route of a guard’s tour in proximity to other guards on tour — something especially useful if there is one or more guards on site.

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When a guard is working a graveyard shift, extra attention must be given to those working remotely and in isolation. Constant vigilance is possible when a GPS enabled device uses Lone Worker Protection.

Lone Worker Protection, or LWP, is a feature specific to comprehensive security workforce management. LWP uses GPS guard tracking to supervise and communicate with remote lone Workers at all times.

The GPS tracking is visualized on a Command Center map and shows a guard’s exact location in real time. If a lone worker is in need of help, LWP automatically jumps in with tilt detection, manual panic alarm, true fall detection, and a danger zone timer.

This ensures that security directors are always connected to a guard’s safety status.

Automatically sense when a guard has fallen with mobile tilt detection or man down protection

Always know your guard’s exact location

Ensuring Security Teams Benefit from Using the Best Corporate Security Software

Using GPS to track security teams on patrol requires the use of technologies not just as separate entities, but as a unified whole. Only a system made for corporate security can accomplish just that.

Here are a few ways security teams can benefit from using GPS to mitigate risks:

  • Gain situational awareness over security department happenings
  • Know where in-house (or contracted) guards are at all times
  • Ensure supervisors can easily track and dispatch guards during critical events

GPS provides real-time feedback on guard location, that way, supervisors can always know where guards are while also remotely tracking, visualizing, and controlling guard activity and actions.

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