What do You Need to Know to Ensure Your Team is Ready to Face Any Critical Event? Training Highlights for Risk Mitigation

security officer on the phone while monitoring camera footage

What This New Normal Means for Enterprise Security Operations

Moving forward, especially in this new normal, will be a challenge. Unlike any other business move, for most, joining the restart of the economy after an unprecedented closure due to a health crisis requires determining the best response appropriate for enterprise security solutions and your overall business continuity plan.

After determining what you need during a critical event, what is the next move? First, gathering insights from your team will help you establish what they know, what they don’t, and where improvements can be made. Here are a few things corporate security management must keep in mind.

Resource Diversion and Full Site Coverage

Like any other critical event recovery, visibility is key. Not only during a critical emergency but afterwards as well. In recovery mode, there are three things to consider:

  1. Assess corporate security management needs and prioritize response
  2. Shift essential resources to recover from perceived losses and to mitigate threats
  3. Gain insights on identified risk points and your team’s response

Ensuring Team Accountability and Risk Mitigation with a Modified Contingency Plan

“What if” scenarios are most impactful once you and your team have had a snapshot of a critical event. Planning and evaluating for the worst case scenario is part of any risk management plan and is one your team can utilize for enhanced training methods.

Contingency Plan and Security Team Compliance
In taking what insights gained after having gone through a health crisis, there are no guarantees when the next wave may hit, how impactful it will be, or if it will be worse than the first. Adapting training methods to combat the best “worst-case” scenario is key. Here’s what works:

  • Disaster Specific Training. Such as: maintaining guard health, recognizing COVID-19 symptoms, and protecting against departmental exposure to security personnel.
  • Visitor and Vendor Management. Person-to-person handling, including: people management and crowd control, de escalation tactics, and front-desk package procurement.
  • People Management or “Soft Skills”. These include : Communication tactics to maintain clarity and sense of public security and visitor visibility in knowing which 3rd party vendors may be in the building, when, and where.

Best Practices for Building Bulletproof Incident Reports Ebook

Maximizing Security Team Coverage for Scalability

Once training methods are adapted, the next step is to prepare these methods to be amplified on a large scale. What does this mean? To make the best use case of your contingency plan, it’s essential to allow for scalability. This can be combated with a few tools that support clear communication among your team, accountability for in-house or contracted security, and lightning-fast reporting captured in real-time.

Mitigate Harmful Team Miscommunication
When it comes to preventing miscommunication among your security team, it’s important to use the best mode of communication to deliver clear and concise information. There are two methods to follow:

  • Reinforcing Top Down Orders Between Executives, Supervisors, and Guards
  • Creating Connection and Visibility Alongside Your Communication – Plus a Touch of Automation

In approaching communication capabilities, Push-to-Talk (PTT) has been the north star for most in-house security teams. Verbal communication via a PTT direct channel allows for swift control over any situation and will help prevent miscommunication before it can take shape. Read more about best communication practices here.

Final thoughts

Proper team training will improve communications and avoid mishaps during any critical event. When technology is added, your team will excel in ensuring that your risk management plan is followed to a “T”.

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