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Blog Articles
How GPS Technology Shifted Remote Security Guard Management
When it comes to physical security guard management, the new normal has dictated how security companies must…
Technologies for Best Practices in Physical Security Ops and Management — What They Are and How You Can Use Them
As we navigate 2020, the security guard industry has sought after tools and technologies capable of carrying…
Virtual Physical Security Summit 2020 — Thinkcurity’s First Virtual Summit in COVID-19 New Normal
Where the Security Industry is Right Now We’ve seen our industry endure a unique position. Managing sites…
Top Challenges for Guard Firms: How 2020 Has Shaped Security
The events of 2020 have forever shaped the landscape of society. The entire world has been impacted…
How Trackforce’s Configurable Training Modules Help Security Companies Maintain Compliance
When it comes to guard training, security guard companies have relied on paper and pencil to do…
Thinkcurity – The New Home for Physical Security Industry News, Resources, and More
As the security industry at large moves forward together, we have worked to provide innovative and relevant…
New Normal: What are the Issues Security Companies Should be Concerned About When Hiring and Onboarding Guards?
Hiring as a Relearning Process – The New Normal and What to be Concerned About As we…
The 2020 Security Letter: What it Says (and Doesn’t Say) about the Security Industry
It has only been 7 months since the last Security Letter was released in 2019, but in…
What do You Need to Know to Ensure Your Team is Ready to Face Any Critical Event? Training Highlights for Risk Mitigation
What This New Normal Means for Enterprise Security Operations Moving forward, especially in this new normal, will…
Paycheck Protection Flexibility Act: What Impact will it have on Your Business?
Updated 7/31/20 | What’s Changed: Congress is opening up a new stimulus bill, which proposes another round of…
What Works and What Doesn’t – Highlights on Guard Tour Training and How You Can Leverage Technology
As security firm owners are currently adopting new strategies to ensure safety and security in this new…
Learning From Experience – A Security Professional’s Journey Into AI Tech and Its Impact on the Future of Physical Security As We Know It
Perhaps the idea of an AI powered anything is too futuristic a concept. And, despite the news…