How Configurable Reporting Templates Standardize the Security Guard Incident Reporting Process

man pointing at chart

What is a Configurable Security Guard Incident Report?

A configurable security guard incident report gives security companies the freedom to adapt reports to their business needs. This means that with a template, a security company can adjust form fields to fit their business SOPs, contract requirements, and other regulations.

The biggest benefit to having configurable reporting comes from standardization. Standardized reporting templates make it easier for supervisors to adjust reports that can then be used across all sites. This helps physical security companies optimize for business growth and scalability.

The best way to ensure your security company gets the most from configured reports is to standardize the processes. When the process is standardized, it reduces risk, potential errors, and/or miscommunication.

These processes include:

  • • Evidence Collection
  • • Guard Response
  • • Report Accountability
  • • Follow-Up Procedures

Evidence Collection

Paper security guard incident reporting makes it impossible to attach evidence. Without evidence to support reports, security companies risk mismanagement or inaccuracies.

The benefit to having configurable, and digital, reports is that front-line officers can quickly take photos, videos, or comments with their mobile devices and attach them directly to the report for review.

Also, being online makes it easier for supervisors and officers to quickly follow-up on an investigation with stakeholders or law enforcement.

Guard Response

No security company should depend on an officer to appropriately answer open ended questions. In addition to proper guard training on security guard incident reporting responses, simple reporting questions makes it easier for officers to complete reports.

Supervisors can set up reports with drag and drop fields and pre-written responses. This gives officers the option to select the appropriate choice when filling out a report. Selected responses make it simple for supervisors to tailor each report so that it captures exactly what stakeholders or security company operators need to know.

Report Accountability

One of the most important parts of a security guard incident report involves its credibility. A credible report is used to uphold justifications against litigation and insurance claims, if needed.

With a configurable report, supervisors can add a signature field that requires officers to document their name and any supporting information, such as time-stamped entries or GPS guard location.

Follow-Up Procedures

If supervisors must review a report, there is an option to add a “submit for follow-up” field. This field can be required and can be as simple as a “yes or no” option.

When digital security guard incident reports are submitted for follow-up, supervisors can check the report for inconsistencies, discrepancies, or closure before they’re sent to stakeholders.

The Benefits to Configuring Your Reports

A configurable security guard incident report standardizes security company processes so that operations run more efficiently.

With configurable reports, security companies can analyze their digital report details across sites for situational awareness. Benchmarking can be used to see which sites have more violations, which are performing well, and which may need further action.

Some benefits of configurable security guard incident reports include:

  • – Mitigating compliance risk
  • – Reviewing site performance
  • – Justifying guard response and actions
  • – Upholding company and client SOPs and other regulations

With configurable reporting templates, security companies can uphold their reputation and their client’s confidence.

Request a demo today to learn more.

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